Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pop Goes The Weasel

You ever been on the computer and get one of those annoying pop-ups? It’s usually someone trying to sell you some insurance or they want to apply for “free” grant money to go back to school? I get them too. I’ve installed some fancy pop-up blocker to try and eliminate these things, which for the most part has worked. Unfortunately it doesn’t stop former “dates” from rearing their ugly heads. I suppose if I could invent a pop-up blocker for that I could retire in style. Sadly for now I will just have to eliminate them one by one.

“Mick” from my previous blog “The Truth Will Make You Flee” is one of my little pop-up pals and he decides to send me an IM out of the blue one day. My first thought is how do these damn men still have my contact information after all this time? I have long since deleted their names, numbers, pictures, email addresses and anything else I can think of. And after the way things end with some of them… really why would they want to contact me again? I decide to find out.

He tells me he misses me and not just because he wants to try and have sex with me. How friggin romantic. How could I ever resist?

He moves on to some small talk and then I guess after a few minutes he assumes I’m not going to tell him to pound sand and tells me he’s in town this weekend for a visit and would like to see me. Let the games begin! I ask him if he’s seeing anybody. Not really he says. What does that mean? He then goes into a tirade how he’s living with a woman but they aren’t really “together” that they WERE in a relationship but they just didn’t really hit it off and that the only reason that he’s still living there with her is that his name is on the lease. At this point I stop him and LITERALLY ask him if this is Déjà Vu. He actually seems puzzled by this which makes me laugh at him even more. I tell him based on the circumstances I will decline his invitation for an evening out.

He then tells me that he’s moving back to Orlando at the beginning of the year and he would like to keep in touch but to ONLY contact him via his Yahoo IM. Well that doesn’t scream “red flag” now does it?

I tell him sure; we can keep in touch, as long as he goes to my website and becomes a fan. And don’t forget to go to my Facebook page and “Like” me there. Well don’t you know the dumbass does it! Now tell me how on God’s green earth you can go to a website named knowing full well that you have DATED me and not start to maybe read some stuff? Not only that but he then also goes to my Facebook page, “Likes” it which allows me to see HIS page which tells me not only that he is “in a relationship” but it actually also give me her name! You have GOT to be fucking kidding me! Do men actually think that we women are THAT lonely and desperate, or just plain stupid? Whichever one it may be is irrelevant to me because I am still very much in Man-Cation mode at this point.

Mick thankfully hasn’t popped back up since our little conversation and I’m hoping that’s because he finally stopped to read a blog or two and maybe one of them rang a bell. But considering that to this very day he’s still a fan of mine on Facebook, I seriously doubt it.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


It’s been awhile since I’ve felt the inspiration to write a blog. Honestly I miss the writing much more than I miss the dating, but I’m sure there are one or two of you wondering what is going on in my life so I thought I would catch you up to speed.

I have dubbed my new found disinterest in dating “Man-Cation” (I’m sure there is some TV network I’m supposed to give credit to for that catchy phrase but who it is has escaped me at the moment) I thought that I would have some new amazing discoveries or develop an interesting point of view being separated from the male species but it just doesn’t seem to have happened yet. I’m waiting.

I guess I somehow assumed that my new “fuck off” attitude would be obvious to the opposite sex and they would avoid me and let me go on my merry way. Nope. Like, in most of my blogs, I’ve turned out to be wrong. The ones that don’t really know me seem to get the drift, but the old ones… They KEEP popping up which I surely don’t understand. It’s like I’m in some kind of sick man re-cycle program. Well this girl might be going “green” but it’s only because they make me wanna puke.

While I was sleeping “Two Buck Up Chuck” apparently showed up one night and stuck a note written on half a ripped piece of paper (I’m sure some other girl was lucky enough to get the other half) and inserted it in a brown grocery sack under my windshield wiper explaining to me how he’s grown up & misses me and wishes I would give him another chance. I guess three just isn’t enough and despite the fact that this was extremely creepy knowing he was lurking outside of my house in the dark, I decided to see what kind of maturing he had done.

We had a brief conversation where he vowed to make more time for me and not be a cheap asshole anymore and that his next day off he would call me so he could take me out. I can’t wait.

Wednesday night rolls around and my phone rings sometime after 11 PM. “Ralph” asks me how I’ve been, tells me he’s calling to check on me and asks if he can some see me. “Now?” I reply. He says yeah. To which I reply “ummm, I don’t think so. Weren’t you going to take me OUT?” He says “Oh yes of course I am I’ve just been so busy and I didn’t want you to think I forgot about you.” Even in my Ambien induced state I’m NOT falling for this one. I tell him when he can make a DATE. Call me.

Saturday night arrives with another phone call from Ralph. It goes a little something like this.
Him: “Can I come see you?”
Me: Now?
Him: Yes.
Me: Hmmmm, no.
Him: Why Not?
Me: Because you don’t get to just call me after 10 on a Saturday night and assume that I’m going to drop whatever it is I’m doing for you to try to come over and convince me to give you a piece of ass. Besides, I told you NOT to call me unless you were taking me OUT.

He apologized, tells me I’m right and that he would call me in the morning to make plans. WHOA! Didn’t see that one coming. Except, he doesn’t call me in the morning. He sends me this long ass text telling me that he thought that I was going to be different this time and that he’s soo busy with work and he’s spending all his free time trying to get into modeling…(OMG, you have GOT to be fucking kidding me)

So I decided to seize my opportunity and text him back. I send him the link to my blog and I tell him that he might find “Two Buck Up Chuck” interesting. I don’t know if he read it. Frankly I don’t care, but what I do know is that he hasn’t bothered me since. Life on “Man-Cation” is good.