Young love. Isn’t it so exciting to do things together for the first time? The first time you touch, the first kiss, the first time you make love and let’s not forget the first holiday where you meet all the family and friends.
“Tyrone” and I had been dating for a few years and he decided that he was going to invite me to his mom’s house for Thanksgiving. Tyrone’s family was wonderfully accepting of me which you don’t always find when two people in love are from different cultures and they always treated me with love and respect so it helped a little with the nerves I had about going over.
We walked in the door and it was a whole house filled with people. None of which I really knew so it felt like I had just walked onto a different planet. Apparently everyone else felt like that too because everyone stared at me as I walked in. I stuck out like a sore thumb since I was the only white face in the crowd. I was ready to dash for the door.
Tyrone assured me that everything would be fine just to give it time. So we found a spot on a couch and attempted to join in on a conversation that was already in progress. The problem? The person talking had a really thick Jamaican accent and I had no earthly idea what she was talking about. So I just sat there quiet and just kind of stared. I might as well have had a giant mole on my face and drooled, because I’m sure that’s how stupid I looked. All I could do is pray that we would eat soon. At least that is something everybody does the same and I wouldn’t feel so awkward.
Finally the time for dinner rolled around. I had never been so relieved in my life! It was a beautifully typical Thanksgiving Feast. Turkey, ham, green beans, stuffing, cranberry sauce and then I came across a dish I had never seen before. It had a yellowish hue, looked kinda mushy and not very appetizing. I leaned over to Tyrone and said “what is that?” When he replied “curried goat” I almost fainted.
I mean look at me. I’m a big girl. I’m not afraid of food. I’m not even afraid to try new or exotic foods. I’ve tried eel, octopus and yes even gator tail but I am not eating a fucking goat.
Well needless to say that ruined the meal for me. I was afraid to eat a single bite of anything. Afraid of what other innocent farm creatures might be lurking in the recipe. I patiently waited for Tyrone to finish his feast with his family and friends and then I did finally dash for the door.
When we got outside his brothers were already outside. They were evidently done with their barnyard buffet when Tyrone turned to me and said “are you OK? You don’t look so good.” When I told him that the goat freaked me out his brothers burst out laughing, practically rolling on the ground. I’m sure they were thinking that’s what you get for bringing over a white girl. So, on that note I decided it was time for me to leave. I thanked Tyrone for the invite and happily drove home to a normal Thanksgiving meal.
Now that Tyrone is out of the picture I’m much more relaxed to have a traditional Thanksgiving feast with my friends and family. Bring on the fried turkey, homemade mashed potatoes oh and let’s not forget the strawberry margaritas! I think I’ll raise my glass for a toast. I wish wealth, health, love and laughter to all I love and leave the goats alone.